tony gordon multimedia entertainment voice over and impersonations

Tony has performed on adverts and has a vast number of international voices that compares to the “real thing”

With a seasoned voice, offering a number of different accents and styles to suit any advertiser, Tony Gordon Voice Over services will provide you with a professional answer to your recording and advertising needs.


AccentS Work

Tony can accentuate a number of British accents from the very North, West, South and East of the UK, a vast number of European accents, American East to West plus a number of other prominent accents, providing you with the right voice for the right promotion, on time every time.

“The only voice over work that would be too demanding is that of a female”

Character impersonations are also a specialty of Tony Gordon, offering a voice for all occasions.

tony gordon multimedia entertainment impersonations

Tony’s impersonations include:

Michael Douglas

Austin Powers

Captain Jack Sparrow & Mr Gibbs (Pirates of the Caribbean)

BIlly Connolly

Michael Caine

Dave Hughes (Hughesy)

Cupid Stunt (Kenny Everitt)

BFDB (Big Fat Dirty Bustad) A north of England character

Frank Spencer (For those that can remember)

…It’s all done in the best possible taste